About Us

Established in 1998, Water Treatment Warehouse, Inc. has grown to be one of the leading manufacturers of water treatment equipment in the United States.  The Watershield brand of water conditioning equipment and drinking water systems has become known for its inovation and quality throughout the water treatment industry.  In 2007, we created WTW C&I, a service company to provide installation, service, and support for Florida's large hospitality and industrial markets.

With our corporate headquartes in Venice, Florida and a second location in Kissimmee, Florida, we offer free delivery to much of Florida and same day shipping to the rest of ur customer base.  Started as a local wholesale supplier to southwest Florida, we now serve a large and growing customer base in the southeast U.S., the Caribbean Islands, and the Central and South American markets.

While we have grown significantly as a company over the years, our core value proposition to our customers remains our company focus.  That is to offer an excellent quality product at a fair price, and support it with unequalled customer service.  Providing expert technical support for residential, commercial, and industrial applications, with regular training seminars throughout the year, we give our customers that extra bonus to make them successful.  We will always make time to help our customers solve their water quality problems and provide the right solution to meet their needs.