Available only from "watershield Certified Dealers," the Watershield Premier is one of the most advanced and economic water conditioning solutions on the market today. The Watershield Premier saves you money and is more environmentally friendly by using Proportional Brining with the added efficiency of Countercurrnt Regeneration. Available in several media packages to meet your individual water chemistry, the Watershield Premier uses our special 12-14% cross linked resin, the industry's best. The Watershield Premier maintains an ongoing 62 day history of your water usage, and knows what your water pattern usage is on each day of the week. The advanced Proportional Brining capability calculates when an upcoming demand day will surpass the system's capacity, and then regenerates only that percentage of the tank which needs regenerating. The result is less water and less salt being used, and less chloride discharge being sent out to drain.
For a closer look at the Watershield Premier,